Honoring the Q'ero Tradition

Ray and Don S Ceremony (1) (1)

Connecting with the Inca Legacy 

The Q’ero people are direct descendants of the Incas living high in the central Andes. In Peru, Inca descendants constitute nearly half of the country’s population. The Q’ero people, who reside in the mountains of Peru, do not adhere to any specific religion but are known for their profound spirituality. This is where Ray Crist first learned the Shaman’s way, and the seedling of The Jaguar Path was planted.


Authentic Shamanic Training rooted in Tradition
The Jaguar Path program offers a unique opportunity to study, experience, and practice in-depths shamanic healing tools directly passed down from the revered elders to Ray and Nina.


Guidance from Esteemed Elders
We are honored to have a close connection with our beloved teacher, Don Francisco Chura Flores. During each training we explore the Inca trilogy of Serpent, Jaguar, and Condor - where Don Francisco opens the sacred space, guiding us through the profound teachings of these sacred energies. These powerful archetypes hold deep significance in Incan cosmology and offer transformative insights into your own inner journey.


Bridge Between Worlds
Q’ero elders, Don Francisco, Donna Juanita, and Don Wilbert have appointed us as the bridge between two worlds (Inca Tradition and western society). Together with these wisdom holders, The Jaguar Path not only honors tradition but also delivers a training that is sincere to the Q'ero tradition. In the words of Don Francisco.

“Like the rainbow connects this world to the spirit world, Ray and Nina
are the bridge that connects the Q’ero ways with the western world.”
Don Francisco Chura Flores