Our Vision

Website RAY AND NINA (9)

Our vision is to share Shamanism, Yoga, and Tai Chi as practices that help us reach an optimal state of being! We honor the ancient teaching and the cultures which these lineages stem from and teach the scientific components in order to make this information accessible and clear for seekers of the modern world. 

Who we are

Established in 2007, The Jaguar Path School of Modern Shamanism & the Science of Healing deepens connection to the natural world and holistic healing through personal practice and application. Rooted in ancient wisdom and modern knowledge, our programs offer teachings from the traditions of Shamanism, Yoga, and Tai Chi to catalyse personal growth, environmental stewardship, and spiritual expansion.

Co-founders and internationally celebrated teachers Ray and Nina Crist offer students immersive workshops, retreats, and courses that cultivate whole-person development, equipping participants with practical tools to offer healing consultations which support resilience, mindfulness, and leadership. This training is a partnership with Q'ero elder shamans from Peru, creating a rich, supportive environment for becoming a certified healing practitioner.

Our flagship program, Modern Shamanism & the Science of Healing, is a nine-month practitioner training that certifies individuals in Shamanism and holistic approaches to personal and collective well-being. 

Deeply rooted in Peruvian Shamanism, the course studies examine the connections between modern science, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, Yoga, and Tai Chi to provide students with a comprehensive toolkit for addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of health.