RayCrist-NinaCrist-on-ZOOM, JaguarPath Teachers

Ray Crist and Nina Crist 

Visionary souls behind the Jaguar Path School of Shamanism, Tai Chi, and Yoga. 

Nina and Ray Crist now reside in Greece. They travel the world teaching and sharing their deep knowledge and love for tai chi, yoga, and shamanism, online and in person in the United States, Costa Rica, Greece, Peru, and the Caribbean. 

Dr. Joe Dispenza, Ray Crist & Dalai Lama  

 Ray  Crist bridging science & spirituality 


Flow Summit

Ray Crist 

is a world-renowned visionary who offers his teachings from a deep well of knowledge of indigenous wisdom. He has been an apprentice and an initiate of the Q'ero Nations elders since 2006 and ever since has shared the ways of living with thousands of spiritual seekers. Ray has traveled the world and has spent the last three decades immersed in shamanism, various styles of yoga, Chinese medicine, and martial arts.  He has been offering workshops and trainings at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, NY Open Center, Yoga Journal, Blue Spirit, Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort, and other centers around the world. 

Ray’s trainings focus on how to use shamanic tools and yoga as technologies that assist us to reach an optimal state of being to live a balanced, empowered, and extraordinary life. 

Ray was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in 2003 and was given 3 months to live. He left his home country of Greece and in 2005 had surgery at the National Institute of Health (NIH) where he gave up his right kidney.  After that, he ventured in search of indigenous healers. His path led him through Mexico and Peru. To his surprise, the shamans he met told him that they couldn’t heal him ... but that they could train him to become a shaman and heal himself.

Ray went on to become an apprentice of three shamans from lineages as old as the Inca civilization and the Amazon jungle shamans. Spending time with the shamans and  living with them as a family while learning, studying, and healing he received several initiations up to the top level of the Q'ero lineage.  By the 12th year of his apprenticeship, Ray was initiated by his teacher, Don Sebastian Pauccar Flores as a Kuraq Akulleq. This Quechua title translates to “seer” or “visionary” and comes with it a directive to share the Q'ero teachings with other nations as a planetary representative of the tribe's culture and medicine. This has become the mission of Ray’s life, and he founded The Jaguar Path in 2007 as the home base for that work. 

Ray is honored to share these teachings that he holds so close to his heart. He is known for focusing on affection and humor in his delivery, softening and opening the hearts of his students to receive the accelerated healing that these teachings can offer. Ray bows to the unfathomable power of this work and the unlimited potential of each member of the ever-growing international Jaguar Path Tribe.



Nina Crist

Since age 17, I have lived, breathed, studied, and taught the martial arts, learning the essence of each style: Karate, Aikido, Jiu-Jitsu, Tai Chi, Chi Gung, Kung Fu, and more. I am a black belt with the title of Master and as a keeper of this ancient wisdom, I am honored to share the beautiful practices with all who are drawn to them.

My teaching is inspired by my decades of traditional training in the martial arts and my intention is to make these ancient practices accessible to all.

It is my life’s work to peel back the layers of dogma and fear that surround this ancient wisdom so that people from all walks and all stages of life can benefit.

I grew up close to nature in Maine and was called from a young age to live a spiritual path in service of uplifting and developing others. I always knew that my life would focus on offering nourishment and support to those around me.  At 17 I  began training extensively in the martial arts, drawn to a deeply traditional, non-competitive, nature-based delivery of these ancient teachings in which discussion of the virtues and on becoming your best self, was held side by side with the physical forms.

I have lived, breathed, studied, and taught the martial arts, learning the essence of each style: Karate, Aikido, Jiu-Jitsu, Tai Chi, Chi Gung (Qi Gong), Kung Fu, and more. I hold the title of Young Master in martial arts and have been teaching black belt-level techniques for many years. I am a keeper of this ancient wisdom; this shamanic wisdom. The Taoists are said to be some of the oldest shamans on our earth.



I am honored to utilize the decades of traditional training and my own deep practices, to make these ancient arts accessible to all students of all levels. It is my life’s work to peel back the layers of dogma and fear that surround this ancient wisdom so that people from all walks and all stages of life can benefit.

I have a heart-centered approach to teaching and connecting, and I focus on bringing out the absolute best in every person I encounter.

 - Nina Crist 

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